I know, I know I haven't blogged in awhile =) School got out for the summer and we have been running mad. With all the pre-op appointments, summer reading, summer school--anyway you get the picture. The kids and I have been having fun playing in the backyard and gardening. Everyone likes to water the garden. Of course more water ends up on all of us than on the plants, the plants are surviving though. Yesterday we decided to take the fun to Wakarusa. My mom came up for the day, and so we all headed over to the splash pad. After a little mishap on how to get there, they were repaving the roads and so the ones leading to the splash pad were closed off, we finally arrived. As you can tell from the pictures, the kids had a blast, my mom and I enjoyed ourselves too.

This is Brandon manning the water cannon. He was attempting to look at me for the picture, while keeping an eye on his sisters.

Kasey posing for a pic, with her beautiful smile.

Kinsey's turn with the water cannon.

Here is Alyssa, trying to figure out what all the fuss is about.

The whole gang, after a snack.

Now she is getting the hang of it =)

Another shot of Brandon.

Shhh, a pic of my mom in her *gasp* bathing suit.

Me and Alyssa playing in the water.

Me and my beautiful mother.
It was a great afternoon. We came home, had some Pizza Hut pizza, and the unfortunately, it was time for grandma to go home. She has promised to return soon, so we can go do something else fun =) Okay, I am going to squeeze one more thing into this blog...an update on the kittens. They are now three weeks old, and their eyes are open and they are walking all over. Poor mama is going to have a heart attack trying to keep up with all of them. Oddly enough, I sympathize with her, I really do =)

Here are all five of the little furballs. Chi-bee, Ben, Marigold, Strawberry, and Gwen.

This is Chi-bee. Kasey named this little one.

This little one is Marigold. Kinsey named this one.

This is Ben, he is the only boy in the litter, and Brandon's favorite. He is named after Ben Tennyson =)
They are all doing well, and we have found homes for all of them but Gwen. I am still working on a way to mail them ladies, be patient =) O.K. that is our update for know. Brandon goes and gets his hearing aid today, we are really excited to see if it helps any. Expect a blog to follow about that.