Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Build a Bear

For all three of the girls' birthdays James and I took them to Build-a-Bear. They had a great time picking out a animal, stuffing it, and then finding an accessory for it.

Here the girls are picking out the hearts to go inside their animals.

Here they are rubbing the hearts on their foreheads to make their animals smart.

Here they are making the hearts strong.

Making the hearts smile.

Kasey;s monkey getting stuffed.

Kinsey with her panda.

Alyssa with her cat, Strawberry.

The girls had a great time. Alyssa got a little impatient with the computer registration part, hence no pictures. It was a great birthday trip though.


1 comment:

shannon fay said...

so I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself because I am sick of studying and I want to go see friends....so, trying to compensate, I visit said friend's blog....so glad there was stuff I hadn't seen....it made me smile to see you guys =) love you!