Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cherishing the good times

" Being strong through adversity will not only make you even stronger but will help you realize how you must cherish the good times." These are words of advice offered to me by a friend. My seven year old son is autistic, and has a condition called sensory processing disorder, and is now facing heart surgery at Riley's Childrens Hospital this summer. During a routine visit to the doctor, a heart murmur was discovered. Brandon has a hole in his heart, and his right valve is leaking. These will require surgery to fix, and while we are dreading the surgery, I am trying not to dwell on it. Instead I am trying to dwell on the little things that so often get misplaced in the day to day busyness of our lives. So, that is where this blog comes in, a record of those little day to day things that I am going to make the time to stop and enjoy. The great day at the park, or the birth of new kittens. Whatever God sends my way. I am promising myself to stop and smell the roses, or markers and play-do as the case is more likely to be =)



shannon fay said...

I love that you're blogging! You have had so much come your way, but you're doing an amazing job...keep looking up, and know I'm praying for you =)

shannon fay said...

I also LOVE that you are in a PINK shirt in every picture of you on the blog.....awesome ;)

kflourfa said...

I'm still waiting for my kitty to be delivered. :P

Rick & Linda said...

I want a kitty too. And I have a jack russel that looks just like yours. Did yours like to rip into toilet paper when it was young, like.. the entire pkg so the bathroom looked like snow? See you at Bible Study on Tuesday I hope! It's been fun getting to know you.