Friday, July 4, 2008

Fourth of July Parade

We had a great Fourth of July. Brandon is visiting his dad for the weekend, so its just the girls and James, and I. Don't feel sorry for him missing out on anything. Darren has plans for the air show that I am sure Brandon will enjoy immensely. Early this afternoon we went swimming out at friends of James's parents. Rudy and Bobbie are super nice people and I would say that even if they didn't let me and the kids come out and swim in their pool =) Then this evening at 7, our town parade started. Alyssa was especially excited about the parade since she doesn't remember the one from last year.

Here she is anxiously awaiting the start of the parade. The plastic bag is to catch all the candy in.

Here are the twins dressed very patriotically. Kinsey is making that face, because two boys walked by and I told her to look at me and not at the boys =)

Here is James and Alyssa enjoying the parade. For those of you wondering, the tattoo is new, and their is a story behind it that I am not going to go into right now. Suffice it to say, it is kind of a memorial tattoo.

Here are the girls waving the flags that someone was handing out.

Here is Alyssa, not quite the cookie jar, but mom caught her hand in something =) So, that was the parade. We saw fireworks last night at the lake. I planned on taking lots of pictures, but alas I never got around to it. Even without pictures it was a great night with family topped off with some great fireworks.


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