Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Trip to the library

We walked to the library this evening, again =) It is our third night in a row. The kids love the walk and then we get movies that help everyone settle down for bedtime. Timothy says we are all superheroes, even me. But, he is the superest superhero, and so he gets to lead. So, he happily leads us to the library and all the superheros fall into line behind him. Tonight I happened to have my camera with me, so I managed to take some pictures.
Here are Brandon and Timothy, such a handsome picture of the back of their heads.

Here are Madeline, Alyssa, and Kasey. At least I got one of them to look at me.

Last but not least Kinsey. Whew, all six kids accounted for.

So that was the trip to the library. I didn't say they were great pics, I just said I managed to get some pics =) Actually, I am quite happy that in the group shot all of the kids are facing in the general direction of the camera. I am off now to watch one of the movies that the library thankful provides for free.


1 comment:

Kevin Flick said...

Thank you Lisa for keeping the kids longer. I feel so bad that it didn't work out for us to have them, but I am so thankful that our little Cora is ok. We had a very scary day yesterday with her. Thanks for understanding! I appreciate it so much!